Property Management

Starting Up a Modern Approach

Discover the key features

Discover the power of our Starter Property Management package we made sure we cover all your inspection & management needs. Be sure to explore some key features below.

It is a real App. You don’t have to be online to use it. Just regularly synchronize with your App-Manager.

This Master-Manager is used for scheduling inspections, benchmarking data, and contains all your reports. Of course, it can do a lot more.

The App comes fully prepared. You can start right away. Just select type of inspection, type of object.

Discover the handy navigation. Unlike other inspection apps, we have a unique tree structure that helps you keep an overview at all times.

Our handy productivity tools help you keep an overview of what you have already inspected.

Easy detail elements with the appropriate condition, characteristics, jobs, costs & pictures.

Easy issue-detailing, functioning control, descriptions, pictures, actions, costs.

You decide to work fast whenever possible and in great detail whenever necessary.

We support in-app signing and you can send out the reports directly from your app.

We have an automatic report generation and online preview.

We have different report formats, with or without cost details. For example, a move-in report is very different from a move-out report.

You can find all your reports in your Master-Manager repository.

We also support post processing.

Your Package

Starter Property Management package

This package is specifically created for property managers, we understand your needs and have created the perfect solution for you.

The Starter Property Management package includes a handy Rental Inspection App and of course our online Rental Manager where you can take full control of your properties and inspections.

The App

The Rental Inspector App is your main tool. Easily perform inspections, create inspection reports, and much more. This tool is ideal for any landlord who manages multiple properties on his own.

  • Create your own or use our checklists
  • Take pictures & make sketches on the app
  • Base a current inspection on a previous inspection
  • Create automatic pdf reports
  • Sign on the spot
  • Schedule your inspections

The Rental Manager

The Rental Manager is a great tool for regenerating an inspection report, handle remarks, post-process reports or create addendums. It’s also a practical tool for creating, distributing, and following up with inspections & inspectors. You can also consult inspection documents and data. With the Rental Manager, you can fully customize the Rental Inspector App.

It’s about more than your corporate style: it’s about texts and clauses, creating specific inspection checklists, editing contractor and detailing lists, pricing tables, and much more.

  • Plan & follow-up of inspectors and inspections
  • Customize & edit inspection / inspection checklists
  • Personalize reports
  • Post-process inspection reports
  • Collect accurate maintenance data
  • Assign work orders
  • Manage properties
Residenz app

Residenz Web-App Portal for your tenants

The final piece of the puzzle that gives you complete control of your property management is the Resident Portal, this is a great tool to improve communication between you and your tenants.

You can decide which residents can make use of this handy tool, they will receive a link to a handy portal where they can easily communicate with you on maintenance issues and more. We even provide you with the tools to send any relevant information to the resident. Promote issues into work orders and much more.

Download the app

Simply head on over to the AppStore or PlayStore and download the app. Once you have downloaded the app, you will simply have to confirm your account and you can get started.

Create your inspections

Once you have confirmed your account you can start creating your properties and create your own checklists or use one of our predefined checklists and start inspecting.

Get started

Now that your inspectors have started inspecting, you will receive all this data in your online back office. All of your information is at your fingertips, on one handy back office.

Create your test account

Follow the steps to create your free test account. Once created, you will receive an email with directions for accessing your account.

We need to know this for legal reasons.

Choose a product

Select the product(s) you would like to test

Please note that in Belgium and Luxembourg, the Rental Inspector is only available to social housing companies, public authorities and organisations that rent out their own properties. The Rental Inspector is therefore not available to property agents, surveyors or other real estate experts.

Add-on selected, please combine with another product.

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User details

Vital information required to set up your user account

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This email address has already started a trial, sign in here.

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Company Details

Some finishing details required to wrap-up account creation

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Download the app

The registration for your selected product is done in-app. Scan the QR code to download the app and continue.

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