Private Property

Maintenance Management

Discover the key features

Our Maintenance Package lets you take full control of all your maintenance management aspects. Discover some of the handy features below.

Comes with a handy app for both maintenance teams and contractors, where they receive their jobs, instructions and can give feedback.

Comes with a handy online back office where you can manage the workload and accept or decline completed jobs.

Planning tools for you to create a planning list for all your maintenance teams and contractors.

Comprehensive time & quality checks.

Easily create work orders & jobs, accept or decline completed jobs.

Communicate with your team

Export information at any time.

Your Package

The Maintenance Package

Maintenance Package

Our handy Maintenance Package is the perfect solution for all your maintenance needs. This package includes a comprehensive online Manager we call your Maintenance Organizer. Here you can add maintenance issues, identify additional details, give instructions, accept or refuse completed work, plan the maintenance for the different teams and keep a log of everything. All whilst keeping a handy overview. This package comes with a handy web-app for your team/contractors, where they receive work order requests, they can accept or decline, provide feedback as to why and take pictures/videos and leave descriptions of completed work.

If you are looking to take control of your maintenance then this package is the perfect fit!

The Master Manager

The Maintenance Package comes with an extensive management software where you can further identify maintenance, allocate jobs, manage your team’s workload, receive feedback on completed tasks, accept or decline work, and much more… If you want to automate and streamline your maintenance management then the Maintenance Package is a must-have for you.

Maintenance Now App

Included in the Maintenance Package is the Maintenance Now app.

This is the tool you need when you want to take control of your maintenance management allocating, distribute and follow up on issues, jobs, and work orders. Arrange your team’s schedule and work with contractors.  The Maintenance Now web-app is created for your maintenance guys and contractors. It can be used on any device in over 6 languages.

Customize your account

Simply log in to your manager and start managing your maintenance, your team will receive a link to the web app as soon as you add them to the system.

Onboard your team

Once your account is ready, it’s time to get your maintenance team on board. Getting them started is easy. They should all receive a brief email prompting them to register & confirm their accounts. We have plenty of onboarding training support and videos should this be needed.

Get started

Now that your team is ready to receive tasks/work orders, you will receive all this data in your online back office. With this information, you can easily schedule maintenance and create follow-up actions. All of your information is at your fingertips, on one handy back office.

Create your test account

Follow the steps to create your free test account. Once created, you will receive an email with directions for accessing your account.

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Please note that in Belgium and Luxembourg, the Rental Inspector is only available to social housing companies, public authorities and organisations that rent out their own properties. The Rental Inspector is therefore not available to property agents, surveyors or other real estate experts.

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User details

Vital information required to set up your user account

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Company Details

Some finishing details required to wrap-up account creation

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Download the app

The registration for your selected product is done in-app. Scan the QR code to download the app and continue.

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